In recent years also in Valdarno you can find truffles: the precious white one and the “scorzone” known also with the name of black summer truffle. It is less prized , but still excellent in cuisine and more widespread. It has unmistakable scent, a roundish  shape  with small protruding and pointed warts of black colour, inside it is hazelnut – coloured  with yellowish shades. Of rather high average size, it  can reach even a pound of weight. As the name itself says, it is harvested in the summer.The prized white truffle, however, whose production in Valdarno is limited, has a roundish shape, it is smooth, pale yellow varying in size and weight . It is harvested between September and December. A Tuscan culinary delicacy, with intense and fragrant aroma ,it can be used raw  on dishes that exalt its flavour.